Corporate Activities

Board room – Meetings
Brainstorm – Team building sessions & Management training
Brand activation – Product presentations
Private parties – Festivals
Faralda Crane Hotel has a collaboration with a selected group of Premium brands. They are Stakeholders. In exchange for products or services they may use the crane for their Acquisition, Marketing and Sales.
Stakeholders enjoy the benefit of our Corporate events, the private dinners, prepared by 1, 2 or 3 Michelin star chefs.
They support the Faralda restoration project. The exposure and marketing value is unprecedented. In return, they use the crane as a showcase for their products/goods. The crane contributes to notoriety and exposure.
The Faralda Crane is not a mainstream hotel. It’s a Crane. It’s a private venue: Access on request & Invites only. Faralda offers 3 services: Hotel, Corporate & Music events. Faralda has proven it’s value: The global attention of International premium brands and World leading DJs is unprecedented.
The crane is an Icon nowadays. But st’s time for a transition and we have to make the most of the opportunities. So, the founder/ owner is willing to move to another place. All requests now can and will be answered. With our professional staff and a capital injection, we accelerate the exploration and profit.